How to Become Our Investor
To become our investor is easy! We invite you to view the information below. If you need more help with opening of a securities account, we prepared instructions on how to open securities accounts and to buy shares in Citadele, Luminor, SEB and Swedbank banks.
New price of share 5,11 EUR
Subscription period till 3rd of November.
An International Securities Identification Number assigned to AS APF Holdings shares: LV0000101921
Investors, who have already subscribed to the shares, are not required to do anything, and after allocation of shares, their orders will be fulfilled with the new price of EUR 5.11 per share and the difference of the price will be refunded to a bank account. If investors are not satisfied with the new price and changes in the subscription period, they can cancel the submitted orders until 15:30 on November 2.
If you have more questions for us, contact us by filling out the form below.
Frequently asked questions
What is initial public offering (IPO)?
An initial public offering (IPO) is a public offering in which shares of a company are sold to investors, and the subsequent listing of the shares on a stock exchange. Therefore during the IPO, a private company becomes one where any person can become a part-owner or shareholder of the company by purchasing its shares.
What is a share?
What is a securities account?
How can I subscribe for APF shares?
Will I receive all the shares that I subscribe for?
When will I have to pay for the shares?
What is a prospectus?
If you do not find the required information in our “Frequently Asked Questions” section, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We will be glady to answer on your enquiries. Please use the form below for quick communication.